ABOUT melba
I didn’t always have my own business, a job I love or a clue of what I wanted…
In fact, I never felt like I was destined for success. When I was 16 years old I dropped out of high school to get a job and help out my family financially. I was disappointed, lost, and more confused than ever. But in retrospect, quitting school and getting a shitty job was one of the best gifts I could have received, because it allowed me to identify my non-negotiables.

My rock bottom acted as the catalyst to learn what I really wanted out of work, it put things into perspective, and it gave me the push I needed to chase my dreams. For the next 8 years, I worked 40 hours a week while getting my GED, and continued working full-time while pursuing my undergraduate degree. And guess what? I didn’t stop there...
After finishing my Bachelor’s Degree, I did what I never thought I would do… I decided to pursue a Master’s Degree. I was excited, overwhelmed, and if I’m honest, I was absolutely terrified.
Grad school presented a new set of curve balls because I soon realized all the courses I missed in high-school were starting to catch up to me. I spent days (if not weeks) familiarizing myself with concepts that most of my classmates already knew.
There were many times I doubted myself, times where I contemplated giving up, but no matter how many times it crossed my mind, I continued to fight, often feeling like I was swimming against the tide.
Fast forward to today—I am a Marketing Manager for a team I love and the proud Founder of Mujeres on the Rise, a women empowerment platform that was born out of my deep desire to help women like me.
If my trajectory has taught me one thing it’s that it does not matter where you start, all that matters is that you do.
“It doesn’t matter WHERE YOU START; all that matters IS THAT YOU DO.”